Corporate Governance Policy

The Code of Corporate Governance has been authorized on June 30, 2020
Understanding the importance of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), PT Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ is committed to continuously improving the quality of GCG implementation consistently and continuously in line with the values adopted by the Company. MUJ ONWJ refers to best practices in establishing the Company’s business processes, controls, and standard operating procedures.
The implementation of quality GCG principles will support the improvement of the Company’s performance through the creation of a better decision-making process, increased operational efficiency, and improved services to the Company’s stakeholders. MUJ ONWJ also believes that the establishment of high integrity through the Company’s code of ethics and cultural values will increasingly provide maximum results in achieving the Company’s business goals. The principles of GCG are implemented through a framework that includes relationships between GCG organs, relationships with shareholders and stakeholders, to ensure a harmonious balance between performance achievement and business sustainability.

The Work Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners and Directors (Board Manual) has been outhorized on July 30, 2020
The guidelines for the work procedures of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Management are formulated in a Board Manual which explains the work stages and activities of each company organ in a structured, systematic, easy-to-understand, and consistent manner. The Board Manual is intended to explain the relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors as well as other members of Management in carrying out their duties to create a professional, transparent, efficient, and effective management of the Company.

Ethical guidelines (The Code of Conduct) has been outhorized on August 31, 2020
The Code of Ethics of PT Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ is a standard code of conduct for MUJ ONWJ employees at work. Every employee of MUJ ONWJ is responsible for understanding and implementing it in all daily actions. The MUJ ONWJ Code of Ethics contains standards of behavior in interacting with stakeholders, such as prohibited activities, compliance with laws and Company policies, proper archiving and use of assets, compensation for agents and others, prohibition of conflicts of interest, prohibition of giving and entertainment to stakeholders, honest reporting of official fees, disclosure of confidential Company information with permission, protection of the interests of the Company, prohibition of doing acts that harm the Company, prohibition of violating the Company’s Code of Ethics, compliance with Company Regulations, and cooperation that exists both with auditors and legal counsel.

The Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment (K3LL) Guidelines has been outhorized on November 25, 2020
The implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in a company is a requirement which is stated in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower Article 87 where it is stated that the Company is obliged to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System that is integrated with the Company’s Management System. The company is committed that the responsibility for Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection (K3LL) lies with management and employees so that their implementation is effective.
The purpose of this Guide is to serve as a guide in the implementation of the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection Management System (SMK3LL) at PT Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ (MUJ ONWJ) in managing Participating Interest (PI) 10% in the North West Java Offshore Working Area (WK ONWJ). To achieve K3LL performance goals, namely no injuries and deaths, no occupational diseases, and no impact on the environment, which linearly affects the organization’s business sustainability.
The guide is prepared to provide a global view and general understanding of SMK3LL at MUJ ONWJ. SMK3LL is prepared based on the requirements of the International Standard (ISO 45001:2018 related to Occupational Health and Safety Management System requirements and ISO 14001:2015 related to Environmental Management System requirements) as well as relevant regulations and standards. The purpose of this SMK3LL is as a framework for managing HSE risks and opportunities to prevent incidents caused by work. A good SMK3LL must be characterized by a strong commitment and leadership from top management, employee involvement, both in terms of participation and consultation and ensuring continuous improvement in each program.