
Training on catfish cultivation and provision of fish feed processing machines at Islamic Boarding School Nahdlotul Mubtadiin Al Islamy, Indramayu Regency

Developing partnerships, building communities

In 2020, the world was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, including in Indonesia. In West Java, all-district cities have implemented policies to limit the activities of their citizens to prevent the spread of the disease. Indirectly this results in disruption of community economic activities. In addition to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 floods occurred in several areas in West Java.
Therefore, in that year, MUJ ONJW’s CSR in the field of Economics was mobilized to participate in encouraging economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters that occurred.

CSR activities in the economic sector carried out include:

1. Economic Recovery Assistance Program Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The program was carried out in four sub-district cities, namely

1) Jatinegara District, East Jakarta,

2) Tanjung Barat District, South Jakarta,

3) Sagalaherang District, Subang District, and

4) Cilamaya District, Karawang Regency.

In this program, PT MUJ ONWJ collaborates with the Mutiara Al Qur’an Foundation, the Mulia Sejahtera Amal Foundation, and the Siliwangi Insan Foundation. MUJ ONWJ distributed social assistance in form of food relief and equipment to spray disinfectant in residential areas to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

Social assistance to the community in the Jatinegara sub-district, East Jakarta with the Amal Mulia Sejahtera Foundation

Social assistance to the community in Tanjung Barat District, South Jakarta with Mutiara Al Qur’an Foundation

Social assistance and education to the community of farmer groups in Sagalaherang District, Subang Regency with the Nurul Ihsan Foundation

Social assistance to communities affected by the economy due to COVID-19 and the Rob flood in Cilamaya Wetan District with Berkah Sholawat Karawang Foundation

2. Flood Disaster Management Acceleration Program

Floods hit several areas which are also the working area of MUJ ONWJ. To participate in accelerating flood disaster management, MUJ ONWJ collaborates with the Amal Mulia Sejahtera Foundation in Jatiasih District, Bekasi Regency by providing assistance in the form of equipment and household needs to flood victims. The activity of assisting in the form of necessities was also carried out with the Berkah Sholawat Karawang Foundation to the people who were victims of the seasonal Rob flood in Tangkokak village, Kec. Cilamaya, Karawang Regency

Social assistance to Flood Disaster Victims in Jatiasih District, Bekasi Regency

3. Commemoration of the Feast of Sacrifice Idhul Adha 1441 H

In commemoration of Idhul Adha 1441 H, MUJ ONWJ slaughtered ten sacrificial cows which carried out in several areas, namely in

1) Indramayu Regency,

2) Subang Regency,

3) Karawang Regency,

4) Bekasi Regency,

5) Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands,

6) North Jakarta, and

7) West Bandung Regency.

Distribution of Sacrificial Animals in West Bandung Regency

Distribution of sacrificial animals in Subang Regency and Bekasi Regency

Distribution of Sacrificial Animals in Karawang Regency and Indramayu Regency

Distribution of Sacrificial Animals in North Jakarta and Kepulauan Seribu

4. Development of Biofloc Catfish Cultivation System

MUJ ONWJ conducted mentoring activities for the development of catfish farming with a biofolk system at the Nahldotul Mubtadiin Al Islamy Islamic Boarding School, Indramayu Regency. In this activity, training on catfish cultivation with the Biofolk system was carried out for the students of Islamic boarding schools to increase the productivity of the catfish cultivation business that had been carried out so far and to equip the students with business skills. In addition, this activity also provided assistance in the form of feed making machines for catfish farming

Training on catfish cultivation and provision of fish feed processing machines at Islamic Boarding School Nahdlotul Mubtadiin Al Islamy, Indramayu Regency

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