Appoinment of the construction of the Qur’an house on Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands
To educate the nation’s life and improve human quality.
Education is a learning process for individuals so that they can have an understanding of something and make them a critical human being in thinking. The goal is to develop potential and better educate individuals so that they can have creativity, knowledge, personality, be independent and become more responsible individuals. We believe that improving the quality of education is an effort that must be made to improve the quality of a nation. this is what underlies MUJ ONWJ to continue to make various efforts to improve the quality of education at various levels of education and make education one of the main focuses of its CSR activities and programs. In 2020, there are 2 (two) CSR programs in the Education Sector, namely:
1. Construction of the Qur’an House in the Thousand Islands
The construction of the Qur’an House was carried out to provide facilities to assist students in learning the Qur’an. This Qur’an house is the first educational facility that focuses on memorizing / tahfiz Qur’an education, which was built in the Kepulauan Seribu. With these educational facilities, we hope that generations of memorizing the Qur’an will be born, especially in the Kepulauan Seribu. The construction activity of the Koran House on Pramuka Island, Kepualauan Seribu was in collaboration with the Durrotun Nasihin Taklim Council.
Appoinment of the construction of the Qur’an house on Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands
2. Appoinment of the Construction of a New Classroom in Sawawngan District, Depok
The construction of this new classroom was carried out in Sawangan sub-district, Depok City. It is carried out at the Insan Guna Foundation’s school location to increase the school’s capacity in the learning process at Insan Guna Foundation so that the need for classrooms for learning can be met and the learning process can be carried out comfortably and pleasantly.
Appoinment of the Construction of a New Classroom in Sawangan District, Depok